My Daily Life (Science Experiments)

My children love experiments. They buy experiment kits from science museums and museum shops, and we enjoy them at home whenever we have free time.

Recently, we did a filtration experiment. We took large stones, small pebbles, sand, mud, and some paint from home, and passed them through filter paper to see what would happen.

The large stones, small pebbles, sand, and mud didn’t get filtered, and the water that came out was colored by the paint. When we did a filtration experiment at the after-school program recently, the paint didn’t pass through, and the water became clear. My daughter was puzzled as to why the results were different. Well, as many of you might have noticed, it was the difference between oil-based and water-based paints.

Up until this point, everything was fine. We were happily continuing our experiment while learning about chemistry, but before we knew it, the living room was covered in mud. So, we had dinner in the bedroom that evening.

Yoshiko Kuno