My Favorite Nichome (Adonis)

Adonis is the place where PRIDE CLINIC's very first "Pride Angel" call was born.
The adorable, bubbly shop girls suggested it to me.

Adonis has a bright, white-themed interior that’s welcoming to both girls and non-LGBTQ+ folks. The sparkling lights create a cheerful atmosphere.
The mama is super cute with her smile, and she even has her own acrylic stand figure!

They offer a variety of drinks, but my top recommendation is Upper Jay.
It’s served with a fizzy soda, and before you know it, you might lose your memory, so be careful not to overdrink!♡

My fondest memory here is definitely thinking up the call.
When I decided to open a clinic in Nichome, I wanted to bring some of the fun atmosphere of Nichome into the clinic as well, so I decided to add a free call option with IV drips.
However, I had a hard time coming up with something on my own.
It had to be "simple," "easy to remember," "catchy," and "something that represents the clinic."
While I was thinking, I came up with:
“○○-san, your IV drip is ready! Thank you so much!♡♡
Pride Angel! Chikun!”
This call not only shows appreciation to the customers but also has that Nichome-style vibe, and it was born.

In Nichome, when champagne is served, the shop girls do the call.
Customers often record the call on video and post it on their SNS (Instagram Stories, etc.) for fun.
At PRIDE CLINIC, you're also welcome to share the call videos on your own SNS, so please feel free to share them!

Yoshiko Kuno